Bojian Wu

ustcbjwu [AT]
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

Google Summer of Code(GSOC 2016) Blog

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Week 14

Week 1

Functions calling procedures in rt_shootray(...)

Data structure of rt_bot_internal (about line 758 in geom.h)

There are two internal data structures designed for BoT listed as follows.

How to use *thickness* value in BoT when ray-tracing

Actually, the most related utilization of this property is in static int XGLUE(rt_bot_plate_segs_, TRI_TYPE)(...)(about line 382 in g_bot_include.c), this function is used to make segments for each hit, cause we have two types of 'plate mode': RT_BOT_PLATE and RT_BOT_PLATE_NOCOS, so firstly, we compute LOS(Line Of Sight) instead of using thickness value directly. If the mode is RT_BOT_PLATE_NOCOS, it means that the advancing distance of the ray does not consider the oblique angle between ray direction and the normal of hit point. While in RT_BOT_PLATE_NOCOS mode, it will.

Designing data structure for B-rep primitives

After talking with @brlcad, with his suggestion, I summarize all the items we have discussed.